Christian Networking blog 31

Saints, we walk a tight rope attempting to reach what we believe we deserve. In doing so, we tread with care and with the knowledge that God's net of grace provides safety to avoid the undeniable doom of what we do deserve i.e., death. Yet and still, we wrestle with pride which comes before a fall, greed and jealous gripping us with a fear of lack, and those are just to name a few. As complicated as all of this may appear to be, we but only lack a clear mind to make a choice. That rudimentary choice lies in faith. Faith that can move mountains is, and always was within your grasp as a Child of The Most High God. Yes, sometimes we must stir up the gift but in doing so, we bring to the surface the flavor necessary to add spice to an ordinary life. Each day is just that, a new day never to be seen again and completely different than any other you've experienced. This fact translates to hope. Hope in God's promises for your life. All you have to do is believe that He is Who He says He is in His Word. I mean, what's the sense in living a life for Jesus if you don't believe He can do what He says He can. Don't just think He can but know He can. So, each new day you face with its challenges, remember that He died to save you from what you deserved. Now it's time to live like you deserve... get up to come up.

"... and yet, another seed has been planted"


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