Christian Network blog38

Pain will change a person. The changes that occur vary from minor to drastic. A poor grade on a test affecting a final grade, which in turn decreases a gpa might change options regarding higher education goals. Loss of a loved one needs no lengthy explanation as readers of this post who've experienced such loss can assuredly attest to the facts behind changes of this kind. It is not uncommon for people to handle life and all it encompasses through the lenses of pain. Some grow stronger through pain while others carry it, never releasing it's temporary hold. The Truth about pain is that if it doesn't kill you, then it will indeed make you stronger. Question is, what part of your life is going to benefit from the new strength? Will the benefit be of a positive or negative nature? Failure may convince you to do your due diligence next time or increase your penchant to complain about your life. Not being acknowledged for your efforts openly may humble you, leading to a more rewarding life or a routine lack of respect for other people and their feelings. Exhausting your families finances in frivolous activities may open your eyes about wealth accumulation or keep you headed down a road of careless behavior in personal finance. Whatever the case, you have a choice in how the strength found through times of pain, will benefit your life. The beauty in serving God through pain is that He will always be there. The key is to remember this truth and enjoy the journey and the usage of the word journey implies that you will make it through.

"... and yet, another seed is planted."


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