Christian Networking blog36

Another week as a believer, in the record books and annals chronicling the lives of God's people has passed on into the past. What have you logged in on time given to building The Kingdom? How much time have you accumulated investing in a stronger relationship with your Savior? These are typical questions you can ask yourself when evaluating your walk. Don't mind asking or petitioning others who witness your living witness. They will not face judgement with you. Your walk will be executed according to The Word of God in,"fear and trembling". A made up mind to serve God till you die is ample ground and all God needs to ensure your victory on this side of The Kingdom. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your results and still have life and breath, then you've got another opportunity to achieve better results. We are forgiven. Live forgiven. Live with the strength of a loving God on your side. Bold, courageous, victorious, and destined for continual growth. NO LIMITS AND NO BOUNDARIES.

"... and yet, another seed has been planted."


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