Christian Network blog39

Evening readers. Consistent, unwavering, predictable. These are terms that conjure mental images of things you depend upon. Before you find fault in the ability of a nation, an organization, or a person to deliver these qualities; can you confirm them within yourself? To much is given, much is required. Well, what is given, must still be earned and in the earning curve, the "required" part starts to make sense or unravel only to leave the learner of this education strengthened or left in tatters. Time. Time is the rule in where we evaluate these lessons and appreciate the aforementioned qualities. The value of time and the observance of its affects in/on life appear to be losing their appeal with regards to this next generation i.e., the millennials. Much study and time have been invested in finding creative ways to gain the attention of this league of new wave people. It would seem that irony is not without a sense of humor. Value your time. Value the time of others. Realize that time is the most valuable commodity on earth. Ask anyone who's been bedridden, hospitalized, or missed the opportunity to say that last,"i love you". Don't waste time. You'll never get it back.

"... and yet, another seed planted."


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