Chistian Networking blog 32

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff. Our daily grind coupled with our internal struggles have seemingly culminated into an amalgamation of superfluous living void of tangible results linked to purpose. Are you on track? Can you fruit from your labor. Yes, granted, you are a Child of The Most High God but would He be pleased with your progress if He was asked? Again, are you on track or could you be doing more? A child, loved by our congregation, recently passed and came as a shock to us all. I had to ask myself these questions. I understand the fact that as believers this is not our home. We are aliens to this earth and destined to live in Heaven. As pilgrims on this journey, we build The Kingdom of Heaven here on earth but it almost appears as though we've begun walking around as if we've got forever to do His will while aware here. I take my hat off to my Pastor who is an example of what I'm speaking of. No one I know runs harder for The Lord, leaving no stone unturned and every possibility exhausted with an inexhaustible amount of faith to get the job done. Simply put, our desire should be to hear at the end of our journey,"well fine thy faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a little and I will make you ruler over much". I just wanna here well done. Goodnight and I hope you got what you needed for the week...

"... and yet, another seed has been planted"


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