Christian Network blog30

What talents do you possess? What problems are you here to solve? What drives you up the wall and pushes you to get involved? They may all be attached to your call. You must ask yourself these questions and don't spend a lifetime wasting time. Finding the answers early and making your requests and intentions known to God can lead to unimaginable levels of personal fulfillment. God is no respecter of person and his laws are immutable. We complain as the world uses His principles for fame, fortune, and recognition while we idly waist and squander our precious riches in fits of grumbling. What I'm hinting at is not just a monetary value but of something deeper. Search your own heart, value your own time, monitor your walk, and give God his due. He is not slack concerning His promises. Make your vision plain by writing it down. Accept it as completed, having your mountain removed because you believed and simply, "act as if... (full in blank)".

"... and yet, another seed has been planted"


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