Christian Network blog 4

my bothers and sisters in Christ, again- i great you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. hope all is well and still waiting to hear from "like minds" sharing "like passions". well, since my last posting, my shortsale as gone in another direction. make no doubt that God id still on the thrown. soon this deal will be all over and with the urging of my lovely wife and friends i have decided to concentrate on graphic design. lol, easier said than done. i'm always thinking up new ideas to prosper my family. but don't be confused in reading that statement because my hope is surely built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Joshua 1:8 is my credo i.e., good success (spiritual) vs. success (carnal).
Sooner than later, salvation swag tees will be in local Christian stores throughout cumberland county with the rest of south jersey following suit. keep this venture in prayer Christian Networking family. talk soon. remember that you are blessed in the city, blessed in the field and blessed when you come and when you go.

"and yet, another seed is planted"


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