Christian Network blog 3

yes, its been a while since my last posting. if ive gained followers since my last post, i apologize for the length between postings. i wasnt going to post but as kingdom builders and Christian networkers must always do- we must share our journey. God's Seed Custom Graphics & Design Co. is under the gun again (for lack of a better phrase or term) with work from a steady client. seasonally, we perform work for a small but very profitable antique toy auction company. results are due monday and im outta town working. purpose, promise, progress. in addition to the design service- as an independent real estate consultant, im completing a shortsale that the enemy has been trying to sink his fangs into. for those of you who do know the power in prayer, pray specifically for the latest appraisal to come back with a green light to close the deal.
For all of you Christian networkers who are ambitious too, know that God Himself made us this way and He intends to get His glory. you can count on it! until my next post- be blessed in the city, in the field, when you come in and when you go out.
"and yet, another seed has been planted"


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