
Showing posts from 2015

Christian Network blog41

Most life lessons that go unlearned, must be repeated. Unlike public schools of education, pupils do get left behind. Higher education requires considerable payment but pales in comparison to the costs incurred upon failing in life. We enter this world learning and exiting, if in our right minds, assessing all the knowledge we'd amassed. Asking the question, did we understand all that was gained and could it be imparted to others. Knowledge is gained but is it understood. Wisdom is the application of the knowledge we understand. The longer we live, the more we find how little we actually know. If you learn nothing else from this life, please know that God is always in control. If you understand that simple principle then you can accept what comes your way as you do His will. He has a plan for your life. His plan has no mistakes in it. He is always working on it, not to fix it but to see it to completion. Take your lessons seriously and remember that there is no failure in God, no ...

Christian Network blog40

Just a few. A few men, a few fish, a few dollars. God can do so much with so little. Think twice before asking for more blessings as opposed to thanking Him for the ones you have. Count them. A few blessings may be all you need. Consider the fact that as believers, we're passing through this life in an endurance race to a goal many won't reach. Offer what "few" you have, taking on the heart and mind of a giver. "..., and yet, another seed is planted."

Christian Network blog39

Evening readers. Consistent, unwavering, predictable. These are terms that conjure mental images of things you depend upon. Before you find fault in the ability of a nation, an organization, or a person to deliver these qualities; can you confirm them within yourself? To much is given, much is required. Well, what is given, must still be earned and in the earning curve, the "required" part starts to make sense or unravel only to leave the learner of this education strengthened or left in tatters. Time. Time is the rule in where we evaluate these lessons and appreciate the aforementioned qualities. The value of time and the observance of its affects in/on life appear to be losing their appeal with regards to this next generation i.e., the millennials. Much study and time have been invested in finding creative ways to gain the attention of this league of new wave people. It would seem that irony is not without a sense of humor. Value your time. Value the time of others. Realize...

Christian Network blog38

Pain will change a person. The changes that occur vary from minor to drastic. A poor grade on a test affecting a final grade, which in turn decreases a gpa might change options regarding higher education goals. Loss of a loved one needs no lengthy explanation as readers of this post who've experienced such loss can assuredly attest to the facts behind changes of this kind. It is not uncommon for people to handle life and all it encompasses through the lenses of pain. Some grow stronger through pain while others carry it, never releasing it's temporary hold. The Truth about pain is that if it doesn't kill you, then it will indeed make you stronger. Question is, what part of your life is going to benefit from the new strength? Will the benefit be of a positive or negative nature? Failure may convince you to do your due diligence next time or increase your penchant to complain about your life. Not being acknowledged for your efforts openly may humble you, leading to a more rew...

Christian Network blog37

The audience I anticipate will follow this blog will be a network, primarily consisting of faith based believers and those who seek to encourage others. I'll begin blog#37 as if I've never stopped writing. I'll communicate as if I've gained a faithful following of committed readers, since the blogs inception. None of this may be true but encouragement fills my heart this evening. Fresh off the heals of a second service whereby one of our illustrious ministers was officially ordained as a pastor, Im beaming with a rejuvenated spirit, filled with excitement, convincing me to write..., again. It is my sincerest hope that as I continue writing this blog that my experiences, encourage someone to keep dreaming. Keep fighting. Keep loving and keep living. Death, sorrow, frustration, education, and celebration summed up this weekend. Often times, we can become disconnected from the things in life that matter most. The grind we call life can take a toll if we allow ourselves to...

Christian Networking blog36

Another week as a believer, in the record books and annals chronicling the lives of God's people has passed on into the past. What have you logged in on time given to building The Kingdom? How much time have you accumulated investing in a stronger relationship with your Savior? These are typical questions you can ask yourself when evaluating your walk. Don't mind asking or petitioning others who witness your living witness. They will not face judgement with you. Your walk will be executed according to The Word of God in,"fear and trembling". A made up mind to serve God till you die is ample ground and all God needs to ensure your victory on this side of The Kingdom. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your results and still have life and breath, then you've got another opportunity to achieve better results. We are forgiven. Live forgiven. Live with the strength of a loving God on your side. Bold, courageous, victorious, and destined for continual growth. NO LIM...

Christian Networking blog35

What is consistency and how does it pertain to God? How does one go about expressing oneself, sharing the blessings of God without looking like someone needing a forum to run their mouth? I'll tell you..., give it to God. Man can't deliver 10 times out of 10 but Christ can. No man could ever be as consistent as The Creator of all of Heaven and Earth, having the seasons, years, months, and days accurately move in time and sync. So, to express this awe in a state of pure amazement is not an attempt to spout nonsense but to do what we we're all put here to do and that is..., to give God glory. "... and yet, another seed has been planted."