
Showing posts from 2014

Christian Networking blog34

Myself and a colleague of mine briefly discussed, love. That undoubtedly sounds incredible silly as love saved of us from eternal damnation. My comment rests solely on the fact that we were only passing each other in the hallway, thus affording us only a brief opportunity for conversation. Her response to a statement I'd made is what really started the whole thing. At some point, I had said that love never fails, which prompted her to immediately come back with, "yes it does". She then went on to justify her response in light of the fact that a professor at an institution of higher learning gave her a failing grade on a paper she'd written, attempting to prove that love never fails. Well, all it took was a failing grade to sway her belief but what about the Saints? This is where I stood ground and quickly asked her what the teachers point of reference was. A look of amusement scrolled across her face as she realized where I was going with the discussion. Yes, given Ch...

Christian Networking blog33

Be better. Be better by being consistent. Be consistent in the things you've chosen to do for Jesus. Do for Jesus, those things He's told you to do. Most of those things can be found in His Word. If we become better at reading and studying His Word consistently, He'll reveal to us, the treasures found in the wisdom of His Word. This will in-turn open our eyes and ears up to the gifts He's specifically placed within us, which are designed to bring Him glory.Glory to God forever. That is the goal and that's why we strive... to be better. " ... and yet, another seed is plant ed"

Chistian Networking blog 32

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff. Our daily grind coupled with our internal struggles have seemingly culminated into an amalgamation of superfluous living void of tangible results linked to purpose. Are you on track? Can you fruit from your labor. Yes, granted, you are a Child of The Most High God but would He be pleased with your progress if He was asked? Again, are you on track or could you be doing more? A child, loved by our congregation, recently passed and came as a shock to us all. I had to ask myself these questions. I understand the fact that as believers this is not our home. We are aliens to this earth and destined to live in Heaven. As pilgrims on this journey, we build The Kingdom of Heaven here on earth but it almost appears as though we've begun walking around as if we've got forever to do His will while aware here. I take my hat off to my Pastor who is an example of what I'm speaking of. No one I know runs harder for The Lord, leaving no stone unturned and every...

Christian Networking blog 31

Saints, we walk a tight rope attempting to reach what we believe we deserve. In doing so, we tread with care and with the knowledge that God's net of grace provides safety to avoid the undeniable doom of what we do deserve i.e., death. Yet and still, we wrestle with pride which comes before a fall, greed and jealous gripping us with a fear of lack, and those are just to name a few. As complicated as all of this may appear to be, we but only lack a clear mind to make a choice. That rudimentary choice lies in faith. Faith that can move mountains is, and always was within your grasp as a Child of The Most High God. Yes, sometimes we must stir up the gift but in doing so, we bring to the surface the flavor necessary to add spice to an ordinary life. Each day is just that, a new day never to be seen again and completely different than any other you've experienced. This fact translates to hope. Hope in God's promises for your life. All you have to do is believe that He is Who He ...

Christian Network blog30

What talents do you possess? What problems are you here to solve? What drives you up the wall and pushes you to get involved? They may all be attached to your call. You must ask yourself these questions and don't spend a lifetime wasting time. Finding the answers early and making your requests and intentions known to God can lead to unimaginable levels of personal fulfillment. God is no respecter of person and his laws are immutable. We complain as the world uses His principles for fame, fortune, and recognition while we idly waist and squander our precious riches in fits of grumbling. What I'm hinting at is not just a monetary value but of something deeper. Search your own heart, value your own time, monitor your walk, and give God his due. He is not slack concerning His promises. Make your vision plain by writing it down. Accept it as completed, having your mountain removed because you believed and simply, "act as if... (full in blank)". "... and yet, another ...

Christian Network blog29

We talk about our president and what he has to face in his matters of political obligation. As believers, I'd say that we're under as much pressure if not more. His opposition is nothing compared to our enemies daily barrage of attacks. There is no time lost in Satan's onslaught against us. The Word of God requires that we are steadfast and unmovable, yet and still we waver at every winds whisper. A minister boasted this afternoon that we should get up and stand fast, knowing in our hearts who God is. A true to life relationship with Christ will give us everything that we need to win this fight. Note that as we wrestle, the outcome of our matches result in incremental marks in our walk with Christ. Keep the course. Be ever vigilant and aware. "... and yet, another seed has been planted"

Christian Network blog28

To do better is not enough. The attitude guiding correction of this mediocre mindset must be one of a strong desire, to be better. The act is not as important as the process, which in the long term, i s expected to bring about effective character change. The Word of God states that," For as he   thinketh  in his heart, so is he:..."_Prov.23:7a. The betterment, progression, and authentic growth experience and produced in adversity will equip the believer with the ability to teach earnestly through fully grounded faith. God has given each of us a measure of faith. Don't think you can,  know you can be better with every step in the light of Christ. "...  and yet, another seed has been planted"