Christian Network blog24

I was blessed for attending service today. Pastor covered a familiar passage of scripture (Ps.23), shedding new light on things I've overlooked. I'll preface my blessing with the fact that, this past weeks youth study was taught along the same lines. I enjoy how The Spirit of God works that way. His msg. was about trust and prior to delivering his sermon, he spoke on identity. Know who you are. Thinking back, another minister came out of Ephesians on the same subject matter before Pastor preached...,SMH.

Who you are is wrapped up in Christ. If you belong to Him then He has the blueprint, schematic, product code, etc., to your life. Why waste it trying to figure it out with Him. Psalms 23 states, "The Lord is my shepherd...". Pastor illustrated the workings of a shepherd's job in detail and one particular point rose poignantly to the the surface. Sheep wander but a shepherd constantly reels them back in and therein rests the blessing that I received. We stray. Whether seldom or frequently, we stray. Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, we wander. If you know God, then you understand that He can be righteously jealous. Why? Those of us who belong to Him have been bought with a price. He's invested his most valuable treasure (Jesus) in saving your soul, returning you back to Himself, and an eternal home in Heaven. I'd say He's got a right. What I've come to realize is that, as we stray or wander, God'll allow those things that draw us to cause us pain. Pain that leaves lasting impressions and sometimes, even scars. Anything attempting to carve more time out of your life than God can easily become god to you and for a moment God'll allow it. The worst thing about all that is the fact that until you learn your lesson, you may have to experience that particular pain over and over again. For those of you who understand this, take inventory of the power increase the source of your draw builds as you habitually wander off to it.

God's desire is for us to willingly love and chase after Him, knowing that in His green pastures along still water, we'll find what we need. Most believers don't desire to be reminded of the pain they experience in straying i.e., relapses in addiction of any kind, strained relationships, etc. but as sheep, we do just that and maturity builds a mental log accounting the events. My hope is that my wandering will become seldom, limiting and lessening the pain that I ensure via God's rod of correction along with the baggage accompanying the event, be it physical or mental.

Saints of God, be strong and courageous cause you are more than a conquer in Christ who has called you to great works in Him. He's banking on it.

... and yet, another seed is planted"


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