Christian Network blog17

i was told that my vision could not be founded on the hopes of money.the same source said that mentors are a must have too.the question isn't about wealth building but where your heart is.the word of Christ stipulates that the love of money is the root of all evil.many misconstrue the verse as an interpretation defining money as evil in and of itself but that is is nothing but a has no value by itself but when put to proper use...,no one complains.Jesus is not opposed to us having things or wealth for that matter but he doesn't want us to desire or overextend ourselves to obtain ye first the kingdom of heaven.meditating on gods word day and night is a direct link to not just just success but good success.god has a system and it has rules and guidelines.follow his plan for your life and run parallel to those guidelines or better yet,in the same vein.he loves us and showed us by sacrificing his son Jesus for us.don't know many of us that would've done that.

... and yet,another seed is being planted


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