Christian Network blog20

i truly apologize for the delay between blogs and i'll make no excuses but it leads me into this next blog.i've found that by default,i find myself letting people down on purpose.why would someone do that,you may ask?many of us have found fault in those we've looked up to,had confidence in,or trusted with our deepest and darkest secrets.on numerous occasions we've done so only to find that those individuals had "feet of clay" just like us.after dealing with these disappointments and with some years of this reality under the belt,the pain loses its shock value,doesn't hurt as much,and sometimes...,not at all.but beware!as i've indicated,i have begun to show my own faults and fallibility early on in relationships in a feeble attempt to facilitate the potential "too good a person to be true" attitude which waits in the wings.the attitude that waits to feed the soapbox boasting by the enemy claiming,"i told you so",all to gain power over believer.yes,this concept is extremely pessimistic in nature and is not a win-win situation,i know this.bottom line...,i need as much prayer as you do,child of God but don't let my feet or those of anyone else skew your idea of a model saint.for we are all but sinners saved by grace,covered by the blood of Jesus,wretches empowered people of God.there is still hope and a very present help for the believer.

                                                                                                                  ...and yet,another seed is planted


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