
Showing posts from 2018

Christian Network blog45

Man has accepted the principles of God but refuse the Person (in dwelling Holy Spirit) vs. the believer who's accepted salvation to walk a life of "faith", which is impossible to believe God without; but will not stand on His principles (lack of faith) for "life more abundantly" Gravity is a law of which God is owner. The atom bomb was released utilizing this active law and it caused great destruction. There are plenty of books, cd's, writers, speakers, and much more who build earthly kingdoms utilizing God's principles. They draw multitudes and have many who'll give testimony as to the credibility of their workings. Believers beware! Yes, affirmations, meditating, repetition, visualizations, etc., they work but understand why... you can do all things but you can do them not just because a light turned on in a special part of your brain but because being connected to Christ through His blood. These thought processes will strip your heart and mind ...

Christian Network blog44

Stress, heaviness, despair..., pressure. Could these factors in our lives be, at times a result of looking at matters through our eyes and not God’s? I sit contemplating getting dressed. So much to do and absolutely no time to do it in. Stressed. Everyone’s depending on me to get it done, as I’ve professed often that no one is gonna do it for you. Heaviness. I’m still not dressed and the televisions watching me now. I’d rather just sit here. Despair. No, I’ve got to get up. Even if my mind is not there, I’m going. I’ve made the commitment. Pressure... What does it all sum? Close your eyes. A good cup of coffee doesn’t hurt too but meditate on who Christ is to you. Consider and recant to yourself all of the Word of God you know. It’s times like this where application of what you’ve accumulated in your walk, takes center stage vs. stress, heaviness, pressure, all of it. This is not all there is. Now open those eyes. Even if you can’t feel it now, know that on the other side of what is b...