
Showing posts from 2016

Christian Network blog43

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh_Mathew 12:34... With immediate information at our fingertips feeding our flesh 24/7, many have fallen away from what was taught to them as youth. The generation that kept Christ first is dying and their descendants are under the impression that those before them had it all wrong. They preach, slaves were force fed white religion and homosexuals re-wrote the bible. They feed on hypocrisy in the church as it validates their disposition on the whole matter of God. They believe that they are God and in so doing, corrupt their minds, bodies, and soul's. The trouble only multiplies as they post, print, and disseminate imagery polluting others that don't take the time to study and find God for themselves. Readers who know, tell them; don't knock Him until you've tried Him. O taste and see that the Ltd is God: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him_Psalms...

Christian Network blog42

What a loving, merciful, forgiving, and faithful God we serve. A love that'd give up His only Son to save a world full of people who ignore The Gift. A mercy that endures the pain we inflict upon Him when we deliberately disregard the safeguards placed within our moral selves only to indulge in vices that corrupt our souls. Yet, He is faithful to forgive, and forgive, and forgives, and forgives again... should I go on? To truly and intimately know God is to become His servant. A servant of God realizes that ultimately, the choices we make are subject to His Will and that His Will is the path that will lead us most directly to our perfect life. All of us saints were once slaves to our flesh and destruction and having undergone a rebirth found in Christ, eclipse our past as God's plans are revealed, old things are past away, and become brand new. Wake up fresh without care or thought for only yourselves. Give yourselves to God's Will making yourselves servants to one another ...