
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christian Network blog27

What does it matter if you gain the entire world only to lose your soul.  We traverse this world navigating its crazy paths, often being led in multiple directions. I   tweeted earlier today that,"not only will the Holy Spirit convict your heart but it'll convict your mouth as well". Ask yourself,"what have I been proclaiming, claiming, and going after this year". Use the turning of the new year that's fast approaching as a launch pad for a new lease on mind, heart, and mouth dedicated to lifting up Christ. Trust me, you cannot go wrong! "... and yet, another seed has been planted"

Christian Network blog26

At the beginning and end of the day, you resolve to make up in your mind that, for God I live and for God I'll die must hold fast. This world is openly expressing its disdain for all things Holy and of God. It apologizes to no one and expects to be forgiven unapologetically for it's intentionally destructive behavior. Now, don't get the wrong idea. Mat. 7:1-3," 1  Judge not, that ye be not judged.  2  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  3  And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Knowing this, we can implement salvation into the equation and reference Christ's blood shed covering all sins for the believer. Yes, which is wherein the crux of our dilemma viewing/discussing the plight of this world. Let us be busy living for God, fighting the good fight, and demonstrating His love. Having no fear in us, bein...

Christian Networking blog25

Paul Walker. RIP to a seemingly good guy and by all appearances, social activism, and interviews; a real dude. Walking in purpose must be tied to a life of showing God off in your walk. Are you exhibiting the power of God in your life? Have you found your purpose? It's funny, most people'd associate those questions with fiduciary gain and tangible assets physically expressing their answer i.e., bank accounts, cars, houses & land... None of those things have a bit to do with purpose and your life's work in showing God off, unless that's His intention in His will for your life. In other words, God doesn't mind the material just as long as you don't mind the material more than you mind His will being done, building His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Show God off while you still can because only what you do for Christ will last. So when Heaven reads it's final credits via The Lambs Book of Life, make sure your names part of Jesus' cast & crew. ...