
Showing posts from November, 2012

Christian Network blog21

ChristianNetworkBlog Family: Christian family, i was talking to my son tonight after watching a scene from a movie that'll go unmentioned.why, you might ask.the movie's title is not as important as what I told him and will share with you.the series of events in the scenes we'd watched during the film brought the character to the edge of life but after facing eminent death the character was left the better for it.the character's eyes were opened, so to speak.what i explained to my son was that the entire theory and it's enactment via cinema was a mass message delivery of a worldly theory.the theory's roots may have some of its origins in our (believers) truth but it's been tainted by the enemies of God.yes, a near death experience may bring one to a live life like you've got no tomorrow attitude but who's life will you live.the one you want for you, which is driven by your flesh or the one Jesus wants for you? the latter also is a life changing expe